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Year Five

Welcome to Year Five

Miss Hennessy and Miss Eastman

Year 5 is the penultimate year in Primary school and we build upon the knowledge and skills acquired in previous year groups. We study some exciting topics including: Ancient Greeks and The Victorians in History; Greece today and Earthquakes in Geography; Space and Living things in Science.

In English we base our learning around a number of ‘study texts’ in the year, such as: The Tempest, Beowulf and Anne Frank. In English we undertake a variety of reading and writing activities to enhance the children's comprehension skills and writing (grammar, spelling, vocabulary, sentence structure & punctuation). In maths we cover all themes of work set out in the National Curriculum, including problem solving.

In the Summer Term we have a three-day residential trip to Walsingham. This trip supports our RE unit about Pilgrimages and provides children with the opportunity to learn about pilgrimages through the years, as well as visiting a tranquil and unique location.

During our Victorians topic we visit the Ragged School in Mile End to experience what life would have been like for Victorian children. This hands-on learning experience allows the children to get a first-hand experience, that enhances their learning, and it is also an educational visit that they fondly remember.

Overall, it is a very fulfilling and fun packed year that will prepare the children for their final year in primary school.