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Collective Worship

The daily act of Collective Worship at St Saviour’s follows the requirements of the 1988 Education Reform Act. At St Saviour’s, daily Collective Worship implies the recognition of a Deity and may be school or class based.


  • Offer the opportunity, without compulsion, to all pupils and adults to grow spiritually through experiences of prayer, stillness, worship and reflection.
  • Help pupils and adults to appreciate the relevance of faith in today’s world by encountering the teachings of Jesus and the Bible and developing understanding of the Christian belief in the trinitarian nature of God.
  • To reflect the parish tradition of worship, while giving experience over time for pupils to experience the breadth of Anglicanism.
  • Enable all pupils and adults to appreciate that Christians worship in different ways, for example using music, silence, story, prayer, reflection, as well as through the varied liturgical and other traditions of Anglican worship and festivals.
  • Explore the school’s Christian vision and how that underpins shared values and virtues.
  • Enable pupils the opportunity to make a positive contribution to worship through involvement with aspects of the planning, leading and evaluation of collective worship.


Pattern and location of the daily Act of Worship

Monday 10:30am Faith Hall


Tuesday 10:30am KS2 Praise and Worship Hall Music Lead
Tuesday 3pm EYFS and KS1 Praise and Worship Hall

Music Lead

Wednesday 10:30am Our World Hall Assistant Headteacher
Thursday 2:55pm Mass School/Church  Priest
Friday 10:30am Celebration Hall Headteacher


We aim to celebrate both the differences and similarities between our religion and that of others. Children are taught to respect and value other people, regardless of Faith. This is a fundamental principle within our school and one which can be found throughout the major religions of the world. All children attend the daily Act of Worship and termly Church services.


  • It is a requirement that acts of worship are to be “mainly of a broadly Christian character”.
  • Issues will be presented in a variety of ways through stories, poems, songs, role-play, artefacts, radio broadcasts, visitors, power-point presentations, interactive whiteboard activities as well as the sharing of children’s and adults' achievements.
  • Children will be involved in the opportunity to worship through prayers, hymns and songs, participation in role play and through quiet reflection.
  • Themes and festivals for Collective Worship will be linked to the R.E planning. There is also a need for flexibility in order to respond to national and unexpected events where appropriate.
  • Parents have a right to withdraw their pupils from all or parts of the acts of worship. However, the class teachers and/or Headteacher should discuss the matter sensitively with any parent who wishes to exercise their right to withdraw their child.
  • Administration and disciplinary matters will, as far as possible, be separated from the act of Collective Worship.
  • Both the Headteacher and the R.E Leader will ensure records and resources are maintained and monitor content and quality of acts of Collective Worship.